INTRIX Multipoint Tankless Water Heater (Instant Hot Water Heater)

Model: eCompact IHEC-5.5

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Standard Hotel & Bathroom Facilities With Multi-Point Outlets
The Intrix eCompact is a versatile water heater, which can be configured to provide heated water to multiple outlets such as the basin, shower, bidet and bathtub.

Low Activation Flow Rate
The Intrix eCompact is able to consistently maintain the set temperature of flowing water even at a low rate of 1.0 liter per minute.

Concealed Installation
The Intrix eCompact can be installed anywhere, specifically above the ceiling or underneath the basin.

Zero Standby Heat Loss
You can save up to 40% on electricity compared to a conventional storage water heater. The Intrix eCompact heats water as desired, thus eliminating standby heating loss. (Based on US Energy Department and Monash University Malaysia Campus research).

No Biological Risk
Experience instant and endless hot water supplied by the Intrix eCompact without the risk of contracting Legionella disease. 

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